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Sheriff Gualtieri
Sheriff Gualtieri our Guest Speaker at Fresh Start Annual Banquet.
Client Brandon
Client Brandon receives his Certificate of Completion from mentor Dan.
Client Interview
Mentor Paula talks with Fresh Start Client
Client Mike
Mike gives his testimony at Fresh Start Annual Banquet
Officer Wilkett
Officer Wilkett from Pasco County speaks on the benefits of mentoring and how it helps him in his daily job.
'Murf the Surf'
'Murf the Surf'- Jack Murphy our guest speaker at Annual Banquet
Chaplain Herb Volunteer Service Award
Chaplain Herb Schluderberg receives Volunteer Service to the Community Award from St. Pete probation supervisors, Yvette Allen and Rebecca Reynal.
Client Testimony
Trevor shares his testimony about how Fresh Start changed his life.
Dick Crippen
Dick Crippen 'Beacon of Light' recipient.
Chet and Ron
Mentoring for breakfast is always a good idea.
Largo Probation Office
Dedicated team of Probation Officers have seen the results of our Mentoring Program first hand.
Shulita and Paula
Mentoring builds meaningful and lasting relationships.
Judge Quesada
We are proud to have Judge Quesada's support!
Tarpon Springs Probation Supervisor Manny
1 of 6 Probation Offices partnering with Fresh Start Mentoring Program.
Expanding into Pasco
Director Herb Schluderberg with Pasco Operations Manager Carrie Serbaty, and Jenna Shetter, President of Pasco Horizon women's ministry.
John and Calvin
Working together to ensure success! Calvin receives his Certificate of Completion from Fresh Start.
Adult Drug Court
Our partners-Sixth Judicial Circuit Drug Court Pinellas County.
Joe Mackin
Fresh Start board member and mentor gives key insights during training.
Lightning Community Heros Award
Founder Herb Schluderberg presented with the JABIL Lightning Community Heros Award
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